Hello, playday! This weekend I felt like I needed a bit of an escape into a fantasy world, so I’m starting something new. Welcome to watchkeepers, an illustrated story that I plan on releasing serially on this Substack! This first episode was created in one, cozy, sun-drenched sunday with the advisory help of Andrew McKean & Aidan Franscioni. Story & illustrations by me, Kika Macfarlane.
Want a physical watchkeepers zine in the mail? Consider becoming a paid subscriber!
watchkeepers 1: barton and sam

Did you like episode one of watchkeepers? You can get it as a zine in your mailbox!
Reading playday online will always be free, but if you want to support stories like watchkeepers, paid subscribers get each zine mailed to them as well as stickers and other surprises. Please consider supporting my creative work, it would mean the world to me!
Let me know if you have story ideas for Barton and Sam, or beyond - and what you think of this illustrated story format.
lots of love, Kika
I wonder who is going to make it to the island first?
so so cool. Love the art style.